
Pre Recorded Actors Ads
These videos are pre-recorded by real people promoting your Service/Business. We create a PowerPoint video in the background with information such as your name, website, address, Facebook page, short description / tag lines. (Your images or ours.)
Video’s provide your company with a chance to showcase your Services or Business in full living color. Video’s also serves as a direct reflection of your brand and is so much more interesting than just images.
Press on ‘Order Form Details‘ below to fill out all that we require to get started. Once you fill it out it will bring you back to this page.
Business / Services | Actor | Business / Services | Actor | Business / Services | Actor |
Accounting | Female | Event Planner | Female | Painting Service | Female |
Animal Training Service | Female | Fencing Services | Female | Patent and Trademark Attorney | Female |
Architect | Male | Financial Planner | Female | Pest Control Services | Female |
Auditor | Female | Fire, Flood disaster expert | Female | Pet Sitting | Female |
Auto Mechanic Service | Female | Flood Restoration Service | Female | Pet Sitter | Female |
Babysitting Service | Female | Flooring Contractor | Female | Physical Therapist | Male |
Beauty Salon | Female | Floral | Female | Plumber | Male |
Business Services | Male | Freight Shipping Services | Female | Plumber | Female |
Catering | Female | Glass Repair Services | Female | Pool Care Specialist | Female |
Child Care | Female | Graphic Designer | Female | Printing Services | Female |
Chiropractor | Male | Hair Salon | Female | Private Investigator | Female |
Cleaning Services | Female | Handyman | Male | Public Relation Consultant | Female |
Commercial Contractor | Female | Heating Ventilation / Air Con | Female | Public Relations Consultant#2 | Female |
Consultant | Female | Home Appraiser | Female | Real Estate | Male |
Copyrighting Service | Female | Home Improvements | Female | Real Estate Agency | Female |
Credit Repair Service | Female | Interior Designer | Female | Real Estate Agent | Female |
Credit Repair | Female | Landscaping | Male | Recruiter | Female |
Credit Repair #2 | Female | Landscaping | Female | Roofer | Female |
Custom Home Upgrade | Female | Laundry Services | Female | Screen Printing Services | Female |
Dentist | Male | Lead Generation Service | Female | Search engine Optimizations | Female |
Debt Counselling | Female | Legal Services | Female | Social Media Consultant | Female |
Digital Media Attorney | Female | Life Coach | Male | Storage Services | Female |
Dentist Cosmetic | Female | Life Coach | Female | Storage Service #2 | Female |
Divorce Attorney | Male | Life Insurance | Female | Tattoo Removal Services | Female |
Dog Training | Male | Limo Service | Female | Travel Agency | Female |
Dog Training Service | Female | Locksmith | Female | Travel Agent | Female |
Dog Grooming | Female | Marriage Counselling | Female | Travel Services | Female |
Domestic Maid Service | Female | Mechanic | Male | Video Marketing Service | Female |
Dry Cleaners | Male | Mobile App | Female | Videographer | Female |
Dry Cleaning | Female | Mold Specialist | Female | Web Developer | Female |
Drywall Contractor | Female | Mortgage Brokering Services | Female | Web Developer #2 | Female |
Duct Cleaner | Female | Moving Services | Female | Wedding Planner | Female |
DUI Attorney | Male | Nanny | Female | Weight Loss | Male |
Electrical Contractor | Female | Online Marketer | Female | Window Tinting Service | Female |
Electrical Services | Female | Painter | Male | Window Washing Services | Female |
Events Management Services | Female | Painter | Female | Windshield Repair | Female |
$39.95 $20.00